
Sephardi group's supporters take the bus to £785,000

Chazak fundraiser supports new educational projects

May 28, 2019 09:31
Chazak Charidy Bus


1 min read

Eighty-three teams of fundraisers helped Sephardi educational and cultural organisation Chazak raise more than £785,000 in 36 hours for new projects.

The total, which exceeded the target, was reached through the generosity of matching donors, who committed to treble every pound given.

The Chazak team hit the phones and used social media to fundraise, campaigning from Chazak’s double decker bus.

Among the new projects will be a learning programme for students aboard the Chazak bus, which will travel across London.

There will also be activities geared towards those returning from seminaries and yeshivot — and a Jewish Women’s Academy.

Chazak’s Rabbi Moshe Levy said the fundraiser was “a fantastic example of how the community rallies together”.

A fundraising team leader, Daniel Akiva, said the 36 hours “felt like one big Chazak party. We are so grateful for the community Chazak creates for us in London and this was a perfect opportunity for us to give back, so they can keep doing their amazing work.”