Negotiators in the US, UAE and Israel are hammering out proposals for Gaza’s governance after the end of the war
By Akiva van Koningsveld
Israeli released drone footage showing the last moments of the architect of October 7
By Imogen Garfinkel
The IDF revealed on Wednesday that the tunnel where six murdered Israeli hostages had been discovered was hidden beneath a child’s room
By Eliana Jordan
Dozens of weapons were located in civilian structures, including a large cache inside a basement
By JC Reporter
Egypt was apparently unaware of the infrastructure
More than 1,000 Hamas fighters are thought to have been killed during the Rafah operation
Despite the slow pace of the IDF operation in Rafah, the overall strategy is proving effective
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The four all served in the Givati Brigade’s reconnaissance unit
Out of the 74 Israeli firms set to present at the show, only ten were to exhibit weapons.
By David Isaac
A Malaysian photographer appears to have created the viral post
By Jane Prinsley
By Josh Kaplan
It says nothing productive. Which is presumably why so many people have shared it.
The US is waiting for the results of the IDF investigation into the Rafah incident
Police clashed with protesters at the ‘Action for Rafah’ event in the Mexican capital
Two other officers were lightly wounded and 40 people were arrested during an illegal protest that followed an official rally
The IDF said the strike was carried out in accordance with international law, was based on intelligence and executed using precision weaponry
The IDF is investigating after dozens of Palestinian civilians were killed