Fancy a free meal and a shidduch from the world’s oldest Jewish paper?
By JC Reporter
Jewish Matchmaking star Aleeza Ben Shalom has written a book on how the world of romance has changed since October 7. She tells me all about it
By Jonathan Harounoff
Galentine’s day is a time to appreciate female friendships
By Aimee Belchak
The ick is a dating trend that isn’t going anywhere
For a start, I've learned moving too slowly can kill any connection
Netflix superstar will speak at event for young professionals
By Rosa Doherty
If a guy isn’t right for you, why not suggest them to a friend who may be better suited to them?
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Aleeza Ben Shalom is the cupid of Netflix's Jewish Matchmaking
By Nicole Lampert
The JC’s own matchmaker, Aimee Belchak, set out on a dating marathon for charity. What did she learn?
Some advice to keep in mind in the early stages of meeting a potential new partner
Lynda Cohen Loigman's enjoyable romance lacks nuance but its succinct storylines do not outstay their welcome
By Georgia L Gilholy
In her 30s Angelica Malin embraced being single, but a night in New York changed her life
By Angelica Malin
In a bid to raise money for two incredible charities, I’ve set myself the challenge to go on dates each day throughout the month of February
Working in theatre, running my business, hanging out with family and friends and going to the gym leaves little time for romance
We don’t want to get too good at being alone - we need to keep some space available in our hearts
A free-spirited young woman embarks on an whirlwind affair with an esteemed literary editor twice her age in French writer-director Charline Bourgeois-Tacquet's film
By Linda Marric