Rounding up the best new kosher and non kosher restaurants from Israel’s ever-resilient restaurateurs
By Debbie Kandel
Two restaurateurs have had to take different paths since Hezbollah’s bombs began
By Imogen Garfinkel
Clotted cream and an outstanding mountain of leaves are just some of the surprises at the eccentric chef’s grown up London outpost
By Josh Kaplan
The celebrity chef will sharing his kitchen secrets later this year
By Victoria Prever
Since October 7, the battle facing Israeli restaurateurs working in Paris — in between serving their home country — is for survival
By Anthea Gerrie
Malka will be joined by a kosher branch of pita-based chain Miznon
Discover the best kosher restaurants, must-buy cookbooks and notable flavours of the last 12 months
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Deliciously different ways to mark the Jewish new year in London
Sarit Packer and Itamar Srulovich's fourth site will kick off with a Rosh Hashanah supper club
Israeli eats are cooked with the elegant experience of head chef Oren King
Shani's new venture Lilienblum is a more formal affair than Miznon
Some don't-miss audio and a heads up on a Tel Aviv legend landing (again) in London
By The Fresser
Meet the former Palomar head chef now behind hip Kensington hang-out, Pascor