June 10, 2024 17:27
Chief Rabbi pays tribute to UK veterans at Ajex D-Day ceremony at JFS
The event was attended by leaders and religious figures from across the community
June 06, 2024 10:00
Jewish D-Day veterans recount liberating the Nazi death camp Bergen-Belsen
Two 99-year-old Jewish veterans of D-Day have spoken with the JC about their experiences fighting through Europe and each taking part in the liberation of Bergen-Belsen
November 06, 2023 15:19
Jewish soldiers to be commemorated in the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey
Relatives of those who died in battle will be able to remember them with a Magen David marker
July 20, 2023 10:06
Jewish soldiers with unknown graves remembered
AJEX commemorates Jewish fallen and victims of the Holocaust at special ceremony
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