The Jewish Chronicle

Serving up a treat: Kosher meals are hot stuff in Oxford

March 10, 2011 10:43
A lot on her plates: Sue Little providing dinner at the centre

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

Finding a kosher meal while living away from home at university can often be a struggle - but not in Oxford.

Students in the city are able to tuck in to quality kosher meat meals thanks to a combined effort from UJS Hillel, the University Jewish Chaplaincy and the local community.

Under the watchful eye of cook Sue Little, dishes are served throughout the week at Oxford Jewish Congregation's community centre.

Chaplain Rabbi Daniel Braune Friedman explained: "We don't have kosher housing here as such because of the way the accommodation works, but UJS Hillel contributes money to the community to help provide kosher meals."

On its busiest days the kitchen caters for 20 or more people, serving up roast beef with Yorkshire pudding, pasta and meatballs, or even a "full" English breakfast.

There are also Friday night dinners - often attended by up to 80 people - and Shabbat lunches.

Student Alex Newman said: "I usually go down there about twice a week for dinner.

"Most of us live in college accommodation and some of the flats are 100 years old. Others are in catered halls, so the range of food is limited."

Midweek dinner costs £4, with Shabbat food priced at £5.40.