
Swedish editor defends article accusing IDF of organ-theft


A 2009 article in Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet by Donald Boström speculated that the IDF had “plundered” Palestinians’ bodies for organs. Now, the Swedish magazine, Filter, is saying that Boström was right all along.

In a new column, Aftonbladet editor Åsa Linderborg described how she was demonised by the Swedish press. “In Sweden all criticism of Israel’s occupation policy has always been labelled as antisemitism,” she wrote.

Linderborg said she and Boström have been vindicated by revelations in international media about organ theft at the Abu Kabir Institute of Forensic Medicine. However, other Swedish critics have stated that the illegal operations at Abu Kabir were already well-documented and that Israelis as well as Palestinians became victims of organ theft there. Neither Aftonbladet nor Filter have substantiated the claim that the IDF killed Palestinians for their organs.

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