
Teen burglar sentenced


A teenager stole games consoles, a laptop computer and an iPod from a friend’s flat while on bail for breaking into a synagogue.

Uriel Broder this week admitted taking the items from the property in Golders Green, north west London, three days before Yom Kippur last year.

The burglary took place just over a week after the 19-year-old had told a court of his role in a separate incident at a synagogue when a congregant’s car was stolen.

Wood Green Crown Court heard on Tuesday that Broder had spent 18 days in Feltham Young Offenders’ Institute after admitting the shul burglary, before being released on appeal.

He has been electronically tagged and under a nightly curfew order since the two crimes took place.

On September 23 last year, Broder and a group of friends visited a female friend’s flat on Golders Green Road. After the group left, Broder returned to the empty property and stole the gadgets. Most of the items were later returned.

Broder was later arrested and was charged on Kol Nidre night, appearing in court on Yom Kippur.

Recorder Ruth Fine sentenced Broder to nine months in juvenile detention, suspended for 18 months. He must also do 100 hours of unpaid work, half of which has yet to be completed from his sentence for the shul theft.

Broder will remain electronically tagged and under his 7pm to 7am curfew order for another two months.

He was ordered to pay £500 court costs and £100 compensation to his victim.

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