
Sex-pest hairdresser spared prison


An Israeli hairdresser who kissed and stroked a 13-year-old girl during a styling appointment has avoided jail.

Shay Kaldron was told he must undergo a three-year community programme during which he will be supervised by the probation service. He must also attend a sexual offenders’ group programme.

The 33-year-old, of Bromley, Kent, and formerly of Golders Green, was convicted last month of pouncing on the teenager while her mother left the house for seven minutes to collect the girl’s brother.

Kaldron was castigated by Judge Roger Chapple QC after it was revealed he had made advances to a female probation officer who interviewed him ahead of the sentencing.

Sentencing him at the Old Bailey last Friday, Judge Chapple said: “I think there is a risk that you will get yourself in to similar trouble again. I have read of your behaviour when interviewed by the probation service.

“You behaved wholly inappropriately to a female probation officer preparing a report on you.

“The word incorrigible comes to mind. It seems to me you need long term help for what I think is a problem.”

The judge said the touching of the girl had been a “gross breach of trust”.

Kaldron, who also uses the name Shaun, told the teenager she was beautiful after slipping his hand under her top and caressing her stomach while she stood in front of a mirror. He had gone to her home in Finchley to cut her and her mother’s hair.

Police were unable to trace him for three years after the incident in October 2005, but arrested him after his victim’s mother read in the JC last year that he faced separate sex charges of which he was later acquitted.

He was forced to give up his mobile hairdressing business after his arrest.

The judge also imposed a sexual offences prevention order, banning Kaldron from being in the company of any girl aged under 16 without supervision. He is prevented from contacting his victim or any member of her family.

He must also pay £750 costs.

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