
Methodists to review divestment policy amid concerns over Jewish settlements

Critics of Israel want to ensure the Church pulls investments from companies profiting from West Bank settlement


Methodist leaders have agreed to review the church’s investment approach after calls to toughen up action against Israel.  

The Church already has a longstanding policy to divest from companies that “profit from activities in illegally occupied areas”.   

But critics of Israel pressed for a review to ensure action is taken against companies that are considered to gain from Jewish settlements on the West Bank.   

A report was presented to the Methodist Council on Wednesday which said that Israeli policy was obstructing Palestinian self-determination. 

The Church’s preferred option is “constructive engagement” to persuade companies they believe to be profiting for settlements to rethink. 

But if that fails to work, those lobbying for the review want to ensure the Methodists’ committee on ethical investment advises the Church to sell any stake in the company. 

The Reverend Dr Nathan Eddy, interim director of the Council of Christians and Jews, commented, “The Methodist Church has promoted healthy and mature dialogue in the UK over Israel-Palestine, including through their support for CCJ's programmes.  

“We trust that their commitment to dialogue will continue, and hope that the Methodist Council will take the complexities of the situation into account in their deliberations and in ongoing constructive engagement.” 


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