
Israelis try New Year services

November 24, 2016 23:12
1 min read

Thousands of non-Orthodox Israelis tried a new experience this week: attending a Rosh Hashanah service.

While the non-observant in the UK commonly attend synagogue "three times a year", in Israel it is only Yom Kippur - and not the two days of Rosh Hashanah - that pulls in large crowds.

The Tzohar organisation of modern-Orthodox rabbis has been working to change this, running 200 widely-advertised explanatory services in community centres, schools and parks.

"Tzohar believes that by creating programmes that make prayer accessible and interesting than it will help create an environment that Israelis of all backgrounds can embrace," said Adrian Treger, a Tzohar official who helps to organise the services. "While traditionally most Israelis have developed a close attachment to Yom Kippur, we know that a similar effect can occur around Rosh Hashanah."