
How you reacted

October 10, 2013 15:35
Claudia and Stan Gocman on their wedding day
3 min read

Cameraman Anthony Aurelius’s wedding video gaffe has captured the imagination of millions of readers.

After the JC exclusive appeared this morning, the story went viral – and attracted a tidal wave of comments online.

Times columnist Caitlin Moran, tweeted her thoughts to almost half a million followers: “Man alive - man who films Jewish wedding makes antisemitic remarks throughout, on camera. Enjoy the dole, dude.

“Unless he actually turned up dressed as Hitler, it's hard to think how he could have f***ed it up more.”

Journalist Hugo Rifkind tweeted: “I love this story. He videoed himself. By mistake. And then he SENT IT TO THEM. It's a career Darwin Award.”

Columnist Boris Starling tweeted: "I love 'especially as he wanted to break into the Jewish markets and do bar and batmitzvahs'."

Tom Doran, who writes for the Huffington Post, tweeted: "Nothing quite as satisfying as self-defeating bigotry."

David Baruch, on the JC’s Facebook page, said: “Lets not forget the name ‘Anthony Aurelius’ and make sure he never gets another booking.”

On the Daily Mail

SueCB, Stuttgart, Germany: "Spends too much time excercising his body....maybe he ought to start on his brain!"

JustSaying, London, United Kingdom: "Meant to write "he CAN'T take that away from them", as in "he's too small a man to ruin their wedding memories"

Eileen, Herts: "I will not say anything about Mr Aurelius looks but I think he shows a complete lack of manners and appears to be a very spiteful man. I wonder what problems this man has in his personal life as he comes across as a rather jealous and as I wrote, spiteful man. By the way, the bride looks gorgeous."

DC, The restof the World:"Aren't they always "sorry" after they get caught out? If he would be genuinely sorry he would not have said these things in the first place. I hope his career is finished after this, What is his career exactly-taking his top off? Because he does not seem to even be able to hold camera and press the 'record' button at the right times if the couple had to buy the unedited version of the video.

sdewolfe, Nottingham, United Kingdom: "No apology or refund will do. He can apologise for his words but not for his nature. He obviously meant the words he said at the time or he wouldn't have said them. I feel so sorry for this lovely couple, their day has been ruined by a loathsome cockroach dressed up as a human being."

nolongerengland, LA, United States: "He shouldn't have taken the job if that's the way he feels,should he? Speech is silver, but silence is golden, Mr Aurelius, remember that in future."

Rebecca, Los Angeles, United States: "Sadly many British people think this way."

Em, uk: "I'm actually too annoyed to rant. First time for everything I suppose. She does look absolutely beautiful though."

Lara, London, Algeria: "That is so awful and so offensive, I'd feel violated if someone I had trusted to do my wedding had spoken that way."

Benjboi, Birmingham, United Kingdom: "What a vile man but he's apologised and given them a full refund and seems to have closed his business, job done I would say even before that papers got the story. Oh and BTW Claudia looks very attractive!"

WoW, London, United Kingdom: "Ignorant and stupid for not being aware the cam was recording"

Jaybird, Edinburgh, United Kingdom: "I would say a very attractive bride. Unlike the photographer, unattractive on the inside as well as the outside."

Zarina, Birmingham, United Kingdom: "What a horrible, nasty man. I hope the bride pays no attention. Contrary to what that tool said she made for a very attractive bride. Lovely, happy couple."

Scarlett, South East, United Kingdom: "What a pathetic man. And the bride DOES look beautiful."

Me, London - UK: "Personally, I think the bride looks gorgeous. How it saddens me that this kind of racist attitude still exists."

Mark, Huddersfield: "I think the apology is fair and it really isn't necessary to humiliate all concerned in a national newspaper."

On the Evening Standard

Tony Cave: "Sounds to me like the cameraman is in the wrong job. His anti Jewish remarks have no place in our multicultural society."

isa3000: "I hear Anthony Aurelius has been offered a job photographing the choir at White Hart Lane."

NHNEW5: "What a horrible little man....i nearly booked him myself.. lucky escape!!"