
Former Brent mayor says posting antisemitic video on residents' WhatsApp group was a "mistake"

EXCLUSIVE: Cllr Aslam Choudry suspended after posting video claiming "Jewish lobby" controls America

May 1, 2020 13:18
Cllr Choudry
2 min read

The former Labour mayor of Brent - who has previously apologised for sharing a Facebook post claiming Zionists are "even worse than animals"  -  has claimed that he made a "mistake"  when circulating another video clip in which it is suggested "the Jewish lobby" control America.

Cllr Aslam Choudry, a councillor in the Dudden Hill ward, sparked anger amongst locals on a WhatsApp group set up to support the local community during the current Covid-19 crisis when he posted the clip of a discussion that took place on the Real Face television channel.

It is understood that the Labour Party have now suspended Mr Choudry pending an investigation into his sharing of the video-clip to over 100 locals on the group.

The video shows a male presenter speak of "an easy way to know if you are controlled" before adding: "Is there something or someone you are not allowed to criticise? It's as simple as that."

The presenter then suggests that "if you lived in Nazi Germany you couldn't criticise the Nazi Party," before saying the same situation exists in China today, and also in the Soviet Union under Communism or in North Korea or Cuba.

Then the presenter says: "If you live in America who can't you criticise?" Another presenter then answers: "The Jewish lobby." The main presenter responds by saying: "Yes."

He then adds: "That tells you who controls the country. We are breaking the taboo. You are not allowed to discuss the power of the Israeli lobby in America. It's proof right there, that's who is controlling free speech in this country."

It is then suggested that the same "lobby" will "crush anybody" who questions that "power".    The main presenter then says: "It's on both sides, Democrats and Republican - they both bow down to the Israeli lobby."

Real Face Media claims to be a channel which aims "to spread the true message of Islam."

After posting the clip on the local WhatsApp group, Cllr Choudry was immediately challenged by other members of the group, some of whom are Jewish. One wrote they were "absolutely disgusted" that it had been placed on the group.

The Cllr, who is vice chair of Brent's Audit Committee, then wrote: "I'm sorry sent by mistake."

It is understood that a priest from a local church said he was raising the matter with the Labour Party.

In May 2016 Cllr Choudry was forced to apologise after sharing a video on Facebook which carried the caption: "Zionists are even worse than animals."

He deleted the post and claimed he had shared it without realising what it was.

Brent Council adopted the full IHRA definition of antisemitism two years.

When the JC asked why he had shared the post , Cllr Choudry said: "I repeat what I said when I posted it was a mistake."

A Labour spokesperson told the JC:''The party takes all complaints of antisemitism extremely seriously and they are fully investigated in line with our rules and procedures and any appropriate action is taken. We cannot comment on individual complaints.''