
Desmond says Muslims must 'root out' Daesh


Media mogul Richard Desmond has called on British Muslims to do more to distance themselves from Islamist terrorists like IS (Daesh).

The media tycoon said he wanted to see Muslims demonstrating against radical groups. "I want to see them standing up as a community saying we are going to root them out, because we are all scared stiff and it is a worldwide problem."

Mr Desmond, the owner of Express Newspapers, also added his voice to the criticism of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for wanting to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

He said he was concerned by the comments, and by the electoral success of the far-right National Front in France last weekend.

He said: "When you've got a man like Trump saying the ridiculous things he said and you have France with the National Front coming in, it is a very worrying time politically and religiously, and we all talk about it every day."

Mr Desmond was one of the panel of speakers at a breakfast club launched by aid charity World Jewish Relief to attract younger supporters.

He was speaking alongside the vice-chairman of Goldman Sachs, Michael Sherwood, and interviewed by Daily Mail City editor Alex Brummer.

Mr Demond also criticised the "frightening" commercial dominance of companies such as Facebook, Apple, Google and Amazon.

He said: "At my house it's like a post office - every second a new delivery comes and I think of the poor guys on the high street and the amount of business they are losing to Amazon. It is only going to get more and more.

"You look at publishers and the amount of content taken by Google free of charge is billions. But if we don't let them have it we don't get visits to our websites.

"I think these things are worrying moments and the companies are so huge that we are getting into a world where they are the big four who are controlling the world. It is scary."

He described WJR as "a charity who actually make a difference".

"I first found out about their projects in Ukraine through my son and, because of our family history there, we went to visit the projects WJR carry out.

"There I saw real examples of poverty and I saw a chance to help a Jewish community in need, not just through charity but supporting projects that help them to help themselves. Getting them into work, that's the way to do it I think."

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