
Dani Landau gets a taste of success with an award for his film about Jewish pastries


Actor and filmmaker Dani Landau has won an international online film competition — and pocketed a £500 prize. His winning creation, Blessed be the Burekas, is about one man’s mission to spread the word of God in England through burekas — traditional Jewish pastries filled with cheese. The competition was organised by, the Reform Movement’s social-networking website.

“It is a kind of comedic take on outreach and mysticism,” Mr Landau, 36, tells People. “I am very interested in Jewish life. I believe in telling Jewish stories but adapting them for the digital age.” He adds: “Bringing people together is an underlying theme of my work. And Blessed be the Burekas lets people in to the world of the strictly Orthodox.”

Mr Landau recently finished making Coming Back, a documentary that combines surfing, music and Breslov Chassidism in Israel. Later this month, he will perform at the Criterion Theatre, London, in And Then They Came For Me, a play about the Holocaust.

And what will he do with the £500? “Buy a ticket to Israel and invite everyone to eat burekas.”

Home is in Dollis Hill, North London. He is a member of South Hampstead Synagogue.

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