
Tribe fills Watford leadership gap with youth appointment


Watford Synagogue has appointed its first youth leader with funding support from Tribe, the United Synagogue's youth arm.

Aaron Rosenberg, 20, will be working part-time, leading activities for the post bar/batmitzvah age group while completing his psychology degree at the University of London's Queen Mary College.

After being welcomed at a service and lunch for the shul's teenagers, his first event was a bowling evening.

Watford chairman Brian Levy said the youth leader had made an immediate impact. "With a growing cheder, our youngsters were well catered for but we needed to engage our teenage members.

"Aaron has hit the ground running, enthusing a notoriously challenging age group. He has lots of exciting plans and we are delighted to have him on board."

Barnet-based Mr Rosenberg developed a love for youth work through his involvement with Bnei Akiva. He said Barnet Synagogue rabbi Barry Lerer had previously been at Watford and "had only good things to say about the community. He told me how warm and relaxed everyone is and he was absolutely right."

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