
Surrey shul looks to student to step up

v Kath Vardi will become will become only the fourth permanent rabbi in the close-on 50-year history of North West Surrey Synagogue when she joins the community next summer.


Ms Vardi is in her final year of rabbinic studies at Leo Baeck College. Her previous career was in mental health, first as a psychiatric nurse, then as a manager of NHS local and regional services.

During a career break to bring up her five children, she established a mobile crèche, providing facilities at conferences and weddings.

In the communal world, she has led a cheder in Blackpool and worked with Progressive congregations in the Manchester area.

The experience of conducting a Shabbat service at the Weybridge-based Reform synagogue prompted her to apply for a permanent position. She will be moving from Lancashire with her family.

“We are really excited to become part of this wonderfully warm community,” Ms Vardi said. “We have been made extremely welcome every time we visit.

“Surrey is a beautiful county. While we are used to some serious hiking in the Lake District, I’ve been told Surrey also sports some pretty good hills.”

The synagogue has 450 members covering an area from south-west London to Hampshire.

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