
Scene and heard quite Enough

December 11, 2014 11:35

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women was marked in Leeds with a film showing by Jewish Women's Aid.

The film, Enough, screened at the Marjorie and Arnold Ziff Community Centre, tells the story of the wife of a controlling and abusive man who decides to fight back.

Event organiser Beryl Glass said: "This film has given people a lot to think about. There is never a good time to watch a film like this, but it is a necessary film to watch. It depicts an extreme case, but control of the woman by her husband is a common feature of domestic violence.

"For some women, learning self-defence techniques might be the start of a process which will lead them to regain their self-esteem and feel able to leave the abusive relationship.

"Many of the women JWA helps have been ground down by years of physical and mental abuse.

For some women, learning self-defence techniques might be the start of a process to regain their self-esteem

"This film is the first part of JWA's Empowerment Programme in Leeds, and we plan to focus next on the effect domestic violence has on children."

Following the film, a discussion took place on the issues raised and the support offered to women in the Jewish community who are bullied or controlled by their husband or partner.