
Rabbi Freedman places great faith in networking benefits


Rabbi Moshe Freedman is the Jewish chaplain within the multi-faith Canary Wharf team, working one day a week. The chaplains are independent of the Canary Wharf Group but CWG provides free office space

“My primary role is that of faith adviser to companies on the Canary Wharf estate and involves working with the diversity and inclusion groups for each company,” Rabbi Freedman explains. “This can include facilitating events and supporting the activities run by Jewish networks across Canary Wharf. Historically, diversity and inclusion has focused on issues such as allowing religious employees time off on Yomtovim or not scheduling meetings for Friday afternoons. The remit has widened in recent years.

“People often keep their religious or cultural identity separate from their professional life. We try to help people live integrated lives.”

Along with the other chaplains, Rabbi Freedman is responsible for pastoral care of Canary Wharf workers, “regardless of religious beliefs or faith tradition, including people who do not have any religious background. We help with issues such as bereavement and work-life balance.”

He sees the JSocs as “a tremendous opportunity. They not only help Jewish professionals to connect with one another but add to the sense of community.”

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