
Notts offers kosher campus catering


Nottingham University students will now be able to enjoy freshly made deli-style kosher meals on campus.

The university will be the first in Britain to offer kosher catering, following a collaboration with the Union of Jewish Students.

Students will be able to buy kosher meals and snacks at lunchtime from the canteen in the student union's Portland building - for example, salt beef, pastrami or turkey sandwiches.

First-year students in residential accommodation can use their pre-paid meal cards for the service.

The venture will also see Jewish students paid and trained to act as kashrut supervisors, thanks to £7,000 UJS funding.

Nottingham's Hillel closed in 2006 and was replaced by a non-residential Jewish student centre and a kosher flats option.

The 800-plus Jewish students are served by a dedicated chaplaincy couple and a Chabad House. But until now kosher provision has been limited to a small selection at the local Sainsbury's.

UJS operations director Gerry Lucas and Nottingham pro-vice-chancellor Professor Saul Tendler have spearheaded the initiative.

Professor Tendler was delighted by the "exciting partnership".

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