
Mitzvah Day: MP hails Muswell Hill plant workers

November 18, 2009 12:46

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Hornsey and Wood Green Lib-Dem MP Lynne Featherstone joined volunteers from the Muswell Hill community in brightening a local park by planting 2,000 bulbs.

Ms Featherstone said Mitzvah Day was “a reminder that a small amount of time can make a big difference to our environment and those less fortunate.

It is great to see people of all ages get together for a good cause.”
Other Muswell Hill projects included a tea party at the Rosetrees care home in Friern Barnet and the collection and distribution of over 30 large boxes of provisions to four local charities.

Children at the Chigwell and Hainault Synagogue nursery prepared over 20 decorated shoe-boxes filled with toys which will go to Barnardo’s. More gift-wrapped toys were given to Faith Foster Care and three dozen letters and cards sent to troops serving in Afghanistan.

Nor was local law enforcement ignored with Chigwell police station among the recipients of a gift box filled with Israeli and kosher produce.

A small amount of time can make a big difference

Barnardo’s again benefited as 35 members of West Central Liberal Synagogue gifted new copies of their favourite children’s books as part of their Mitzvah Day contribution.

West London Synagogue’s programme included gathering warm clothing for needy Jews in Eastern Europe and collecting tinned food for the West London Homeless Day Centre from shoppers at a Sainsbury’s in Marble Arch. A group of 12- and 13-year-olds was also dispatched to the Hoop Lane cemetery in Golders Green for sweeping, cleaning and weeding duties.

Woodford Liberal Synagogue members spent Mitzvah Day working in the Peace Garden at Forest Farm in Hainault. The organic farm runs projects for refugees and people with mental health problems.

Around 100 people took part in Bushey Synagogue’s Mitzvah Day programme, with volunteers sorting four car-loads of household goods, clothes and toys brought in by members for sale in the Emunah charity shop at Burnt Oak.

Emunah director Deborah Nathan spoke to cheder pupils about the children in Emunah homes in Israel and how much they would enjoy receiving a Chanucah card from a child in Bushey. Returning to their classes, the cheder pupils decorated 50 cards.

Bushey-based JFS pupils Ellis Meyer and Brodie Burman, both 15, stationed themselves outside a local Jewish deli to collect food and money for a number of charities.