
Lib-Dem's Matthew Harris taking on Dismore


Lib-Dem Friends of Israel secretary Matthew Harris has been chosen to fight Hendon for the party at the next general election.

Mr Harris, 38, works in public relations. He was raised in Hampstead Garden Suburb and is an Oxford English graduate. Although not affiliated to a synagogue, he is an occasional congregant at shuls including Kol Nefesh Masorti in Edgware.

“I have a deep knowledge of those policy issues that most concern Jewish residents, including Israel, faith schools and rising antisemitism,” he said. “There is every chance of the Liberal Democrats increasing our support here at the next election.”

Labour’s Andrew Dismore will be defending the seat. In 2005, his majority was 2,699 over the Tories, with the Lib-Dems trailing a distant third.

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