
Jewish Leadership Council unveils £3 million drive for welfare charities

'Now is the time to join forces and help one another through this crisis,' says JLC chair Jonathan Goldstein


Major philanthropists and family foundations have partnered with the Jewish Leadership Council in an effort to raise £3 million as urgent support for cash-strapped communal social care charities.

Half the money has already been pledged and a group led by JLC chair Jonathan Goldstein will assess needs and allocate support.

The group will include Baroness Ros Altmann, Sir Mick Davis, Robert Gibber, Henry Grunwald, Dame Gail Ronson and Hilda Worth. Assisted by financial professionals, they are promising a comprehensive consideration process to ensure the money goes where it is most needed. 

Social care charities help people across the community dealing with physical and mental illness and other issues such as domestic abuse.

Many are facing increased demands for their services, and extra costs, because of the pandemic while potentially losing out on millions in revenue because of cancelled dinners and other fundraisers.

Of nine social care providers surveyed by the JLC, eight projected lost income this year totalling £5 million. Seven have experienced cashflow disruption and four have reduced staffing levels.

JLC chair Jonathan Goldstein said there was a pressing need for collective responsibility and action.

“At its heart, the JLC drives greater co-operation across the Jewish charitable sector.

"Our entire community recognises that now is the time to join forces and help one another through this crisis.

"I am hugely grateful that many of our community’s most generous supporters have joined the JLC in this collaborative spirit to deliver immediate and substantial support to our social care sector.” 

Baroness Altmann added that in the face of a public health and economic crisis unparalleled "in any of our lifetimes, creative and flexible responses" were necessary.

"The government has stepped in throughout many parts of the economy and health sector. Yet gaps remain and many vulnerable people still rely on our social care charities. 

‘’With charities facing very difficult circumstances for raising funds, this wonderful JLC initiative aims to help the front-line services who care for some of the most vulnerable in society”.

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