
High property values


Norwood’s 10th annual property lunch was a big seller, raising £355,000 from the 500 guests to help people with learning and social difficulties.

Held at the Intercontinental Hyde Park, the lunch attracted leading players such as Gerald Ronson, who presented a lifetime achievement award to Sir Stuart Lipton, whose knighthood recognised contributions to London’s landscape.

Reflecting on the current economic climate, Sir Stuart was grateful to “planners who delayed consent. I’m lucky not to be building anything this year, though I do miss it.”

Other award winners included Nick Leslau and Mike Brown (top personalities) and Norwood council member Sir Harry Solomon (philanthropist of the year).

Lauren Richards, a 19-year-old member of the charity’s Young People’s Focus Group, joined Norwood fundraising chairman Gary Sacks in making the appeal following the screening of a film highlighting the impact of the YPFG.

The group helps young people with disabilities to become more independent and confident. Its £132,000 lottery funding, spread over three years, is about to expire.

Mr Sacks said “it is times like this which distinguish the charitable from the non-charitable. Learning disabilities do not cease because there is a recession and Norwood still needs your help.”

Over the 10 years, the lunch has raised close on £2.5 million for Norwood.

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