The strictly Orthodox kashrut authority, Kedassia, is hoping chicken supplies will have returned to normal by the end of the week after earlier shortages.
One Stamford Hill resident said on Monday that some kosher outlets were restricting buyers to four chickens, which would not go far among a large family with Pesach imminent.
Kedassia chairman Shlomo Sinitsky said there had been problems owing to staff in self-isolation but added: “Hopefully by the end of the week, we will be back to normal.”
Shechting had taken place on Tuesday and Wednesday, with a double production run due on Thursday.
Meanwhile, London’s main strictly Orthodox umbrella body, the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, has advised members they can ease some of the stringencies around Pesach cleaning because of the coronavirus outbreak.
Rooms where chametz was generally not eaten should be vacuumed or swept but did not require “deep cleaning”. Given the importance of handwashing, soap or sanitiser without a hechsher may be used “if none other is available”.