
Cash call for mikveh


Orthodox households throughout the country are being targeted in a fundraising campaign for a £2.5 million-plus mikveh complex for Manchester’s Machzikei Hadass community at Bury New Road, Higher Broughton.

A glossy brochure in English and Hebrew gives a financial breakdown of the project — £1.9 million in building costs; £290,000 for land purchase and £450,000 for professional fees.

The state-of-the-art building, which is nearing completion, will house four mikveh pools and 19 private bathrooms, including disabled facilities. It will additionally offer computerised entry and monitoring and four waiting rooms.

An American authority on mikveh design and engineering, Rabbi Yitzchok Treger, has been employed as halachic consultant.

Benjamin Lebrecht leads the mikveh committee, which took on the project to cater for Manchester’s growing Charedi community. It is within walking distance of the Jewish areas of Broughton Park and Higher Broughton.

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