
Boy from Brazil aided


A concert to help a talented young Jewish musician complete his studies at Manchester's prestigious Chetham's School of Music raised £2,000.

Leon Keuffer, 16, moved from Brazil with his mother two years ago to study violin. But without a scholarship from his home country, the family has to meet the £24,000 annual foreign student fees.

On Sunday, Leon performed a collection of Jewish-inspired music at the concert at Manchester Reform Synagogue, also featuring Chetham's cellist Aiden Haslam. Leon's mother Cecilia was among those showcasing Sephardi music and former Manchester King David music teacher Sandra Friedman played klezmer.

"It is very hard to pay for his tuition, but there is no comparison to Chetham's in Brazil," Mrs Keuffer explained. "The family is paying using saving accounts and selling things, but now it's becoming very hard. I live here in England with Leon because how can I sleep overseas and leave my only child abroad?

Organiser Sheila Katzman said she had been "mesmerised by the young talent. It was exciting for the synagogue to do this concert."

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