
Antisemitism figures up in Manchester in 2011


The number of antisemitic incidents in Britain declined last year, according to new figures released by the Community Security Trust.

There were 586 recorded incidents across the country in 2011, representing a nine per cent decrease on the previous 12 months but also making it the fourth highest annual total on record.

For the first time, the number of antisemitic incidents in London was exceeded by the numbers recorded in Manchester, with 244 cases reported there, an increase of 28 on last year. London saw 201 incidents reported in 2011, a drop from 221 in the previous 12 months.

CST said the apparent rise in antisemitism in Manchester could be attributed to better recording of incidents and the organisation's efforts, together with police and the Jewish community, to encourage more people to report abuse or attack.

Chief Superintendent Jon Rush of Greater Manchester Police said: "The increased levels of reporting in Manchester are down to the major efforts we and CST have put into making sure we get all incidents recorded. It is important we look at these figures in that context.

2011 UK
586 recorded incidents, 9% from last year
201 recorded incidents, 10% from last year
244 recorded incidents, 11% from last year

"The High Holy-Days have been a great success and our partnership with CST and the Jewish communities has really helped tackle the issue of under-reporting."

CST spokesman Mark Gardner said: "Antisemitism is not the most important feature in British Jewish life but it remains a serious problem in some parts of society.

"We will continue to work closely with the police and our partners inside and outside government to support those whose lives are blighted by bigotry and hatred."

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