
Antisemitic graffiti attack in Birmingham park


A neo-Nazi group has defaced a menorah in a Birmingham park by hanging a swastika flag over it and daubing graffiti on it.

A video of vandals from the pro-Hitler hate group National Action shows them marking the parks gates with antisemitic graffiti.

West Midlands Police is investigating the attack after the video appeared online last week on a YouTube account linked to the far-right group.

The video shows the gang spray-painting a Star of David onto the park gates, with the words “bankers” and ''1%".
It then shows them climbing the menorah to hang a Third Reich swastika flag and a placard with National Action’s logo.

Inspector Rachel Crump said: “We are aware of a video on YouTube which appears to show religiously aggravated vandalism in Cannon Hill Park.

“We take reports of hate crime extremely seriously and would urge anyone with information which would help us identify the people in the images to contact police on 101 or the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Maggie Suissa, Union of Jewish Students campaigns director, said: “It’s disgusting but dishearteningly this isn’t surprising.

“Jewish people need reassurance, genuine security and the promise from counter terrorism that this group will not continue to get away with spreading their Nazi hatred.”

The thugs concealed their faces in the video and can been seen wearing gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints.

The large menorah is looked after by the Lubavitch community and is a popular attraction in the park, being lit for the public during Chanukah.

National Action is believed to have been under investigation by anti-terrorism police and is viewed by Scotland Yard as a potential threat to National Security.

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