A film featuring a detailed examination of Iran’s nuclear ambitions and their impact on international security will have its European premiere at a London synagogue next week.
Iranium, a documentary narrated by actress Shohreh Aghdashloo, who escaped Iran during the Islamist revolution of 1979, will be screened at Barnet Synagogue on March 16. The event has been arranged by the Barnet Israel Group.
The film, made last year, brings together news reports, footage from Iran and expert commentary to outline the dangers posed by a nuclear-capable, and the nature and intentions of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s regime.
It has been screened in Israel and at venues across the North America, including in Washington DC at a session hosted by House majority leader Eric Cantor.
Although the factual nature of the film has not been disputed, critics have stressed its strident stance on Iran. Iranian diplomats sought to have it banned before a showing in Ottowa, Canada, although it was shown at a later date.
The team behind Iranium, New York based anti-extremism group the Clarion Fund, have previously made films about radical Islam.
Executive producer Raphael Shore said the hour-long film was vital viewing for “anyone concerned with Middle East stability”.
He said: “We are focused on educating people about the dangers the free world may face if Iran acquires nuclear weapons.
“The public must be properly informed if we expect policymakers to enact appropriate policies.”