When electioneering in Birmingham, David Cameron said:
“The EDL are terrible people, we would always keep these groups under review and if we needed to ban them, we would ban them or any groups which incite hatred.”
Was this just an attempt to pick up some last minute Muslim votes in the West Midlands or did he really mean it?
And if he is serious about doing so, would Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats agree?
It is interesting, moreover, to consider how this LIb/Con administration perceives the Islamist threat to the British way of life. After all, Angela Merkel has recently stated that multiculturalism has failed. But are we to conclude that it hasn't in The UK? Are the shenanigans, for example, at City University, just a tiny blip or do they represent something a bit more sinister?
So should The EDL be banned? Are Jews who join The EDL deluded, not realizing that they are really part of an undercover Nazi party? And if they are, which political party in The UK should Jews turn to, if they truly believe that the Islamists and Jihadists are a serious threat not only to Israel, but also to Western Judeo-Christian civilization?
If The EDL is banned what other groups should Cameron ban? Should he ban The BNP? And which Islamist organizations?
I know that some JC bloggers will only focus on Jonathan Hoffman and The EDL at the Ahava demo, but I think it is time to broaden the discussion and try at least to answer some of the questions that I raise.
(It should be noted that The Taliban is not, strangely enough, a proscribed organization in The UK, althoughThe UK is fighting it in Afghanistan. With regard to its European activities, the following is worth noting:
A senior Afghan Taliban official has warned of an attack against the Netherlands if its new government implements the agenda of anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders, the Volkskrant daily reported Monday.
"If the Netherlands maintains or intensifies its anti-Islam policy, it is certain that the Netherlands will be the target of an attack by a jihadist group," Zabiullah Mujahed, a long-time Taliban spokesman, is quoted as having told the newspaper....
"If he (Wilders) succeeds in manipulating the Dutch parliament to pass more anti-Islamic legislation ... there is no doubt that Muslims from other countries will take action to help their Muslim brothers and sisters," Mujahed said.)