
What Finkelstein said.

February 22, 2012 09:04

What Finkelstein actually said ......or hysterics from the lunatic fringe of the ZF and accuracy make poor bed fellows.

First of all he said NOTHING that contradicted anything he has said in the past. He has always been an unequivocal " two stater ". He said additional things but not contradictory things.

He starts by saying that his objective was simple. He wants to see the enforcement of the law. And there is almost universal agreement on what the law says. It is simple and uncomplicated.

The settlements are illegal.

East Jerusalem is occupied Palestinian territory.

The West Bank and Gaza are occupied Palestinian territory

But the law also says that Israel is a state, as uniquivocally a legal entity as any other state, and that it's legal borders are the pre June 1967 borders.

He then goes on to talk about strategies and tactics for getting the law enforced. He says that the goals of the so called PA are correct in that they are on all fours with the international consensus. However their adopted means are hopeless, they will never work. The Palestinians greatest asset is the people. If the 4 million Palestinian people were mobilised " Israel wouldn't have a prayer ". But they never will because they are corrupt, wretched collaborators who know that it would not only be the occupation that would be swept away but them also. They prefer to talk behind closed doors with the Israelis who will give them NOTHING.

He then goes on to talk about PSC/BDS and says their adopted means are essentially CORRECT, but the problem lay with their goals.In particuar with their refusal to state their objectives HONESTLY. That their " three principles " could only have one result ie NO ISRAEL.

That they cannot be honest about this because for a sizeable section of the membership this IS the objective and to honestly state this objective would split the movement. That the wider public are ready or would be ready to support the enforcement of the law, ALL of the law, once it has been made clear to them that this is the objective.

He says that any appeal to the law must include recognition of Israel because THAT is the law too. For these reasons of dishonesty and evasiveness and alleged " agnosticism on Israel " and selectivity when it comes to the law BDS etc are destined to remain a cult rather than a movement taking in the wider public that would result in the law being enforced. And he is sick of cults and doesnt intend to waste any more of his life in them.

Rather he wants to engage with the wider public on terms they understand and are ready to support. That is the enforcement of ALL of the law.

Watch out for tomorrows exciting instalment. " What Finkelstein DIDN'T say ".

Finkelstein headline du jour...... " American Jewish leaders affirm that while the universe belongs to the Jewish people they are willing to make painful concessions over Pluto ".

February 22, 2012 09:04

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