
Welcome, Mr Taub

November 24, 2016 23:02

There's a petition here for the incoming Israeli ambassador, Danny Taub.

Dear Mr Ambassador,

We welcome you to the UK and the British Jewish community.
The British Jewish community has a long and proud connection to Israel as the democratic homeland of the Jewish people and we care deeply about its future. Each day without a peace agreement makes this future less secure.
We stand behind the cross section of voices inside Israel - including former chiefs of staff, major generals, leading academics and intellectuals - who have spoken in support of a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders with mutually agreed land swaps. We believe the need to create a Palestinian state is urgent, and the best way to safeguard Israel as a Jewish and democratic state with secure and internationally recognised borders.
We urge the Israeli government to do everything in its power to make this vision more, not less likely, through taking steps to end the occupation and heeding the calls to return to the negotiating table.
We look forward to an ongoing dialogue with you throughout your term of office here and hope you will ensure our message of support is passed to the government of Israel.

Please sign at your leisure

November 24, 2016 23:02

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