
Viv throws his toys out of the pram

July 28, 2010 10:24

Following David Cameron's comments in Turkey, the Board of Deputies has issued the following (very) brief statement:

Vivian Wineman, Board President said:

"If the new Government wishes to be a credible player in the Middle East Peace Process, it should avoid one-sided, emotive language."

Vivian Wineman has a reputation for being an intelligent, thoughtful person, albeit easily manipulated. Did he really say something as crass as this? Or has someone been putting words into his mouth? This sounds much more like something from his overlords at the Jewish Leadership Council, or cobbled together by The PR Office.

(As an aside, if the Board is going to be declaring war on the government, they might want to think about removing the picture of David Cameron that is currently gracing the front page of their website.)

July 28, 2010 10:24

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