
UK Parliament: "Only Righteous Jews Allowed In"

July 28, 2010 23:06

Tonight in the UK Parliament free speech died.

Tonight three Arab Knesset members (Haneen Zoubi, Dr Jamal Zahalka and Talab Al-Sana) spoke in a room in the Parliament, organised by Middle East Monitor.

The meeting was hosted by Jeremy Corbyn MP.

I had always thought that meetings in Parliament were open to all, subject only to health and safety considerations. It's a public building maintained by our taxes. And organisers of meetings pay no rent. Surely it is not unreasonable to expect that anyone can attend these meetings subject only to health and safety considerations.

The organisers tonight asked for advance registration. I tried to register on 11 July, as soon as I found out about the meeting but I got this response: "Unfortunately, we have neared full capacity and therefore will not be able to reserve any more seats." Richard Millett did not even get the courtesy of a response. So we went along anyway - only to be barred from entering. Jeremy Corbyn MP could have asked for us to be let in but he just looked straight through me when I asked him - despite knowing perfectly well who I am.

One man going in told me "you would not allow me (a Muslim) into a Zionist meeting so why should we let you in to a Muslim meeting?" There is so much wrong with this it is hard to know where to start. First - there are plenty of Muslims at ZF meetings including some of the speakers. Second - it was not a 'Muslim meeting'. It seems that the House of Commons has become part of the Caliphate in the eyes of some.

It seems that Mearsheimer's recent Nazi-style distinction between 'righteous Jews' and 'new Afrikaaners' is - for Middle East Monitor - a reality.

UPDATE: Richard Millett has blogged on this. He rightly observes that if Corbyn and his lefty and Islamist cronies want to hold a private meeting, then they should do it in someone's house or hire a room - and not abuse his Parliamentary privileges.

July 28, 2010 23:06

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