
This is the point of it

June 14, 2011 17:20

Somewhere the anti-Semitic (no other word describes him/she/it adequately) blogger called Lukas has posited a question advanced by the equally anti-Semitic UNWRA Official Chris Guness. As the CIFWatch site has it:

Indeed, the idea of “man-made” misery would be more apt in describing his own organization’s role in perpetuating the plight of Palestinian “refugees” by continuing to prevent their assimilation into the Arab countries where they reside – UNWRA’s “man-made” policy which “impoverishes so many”.

Unlike all other refugee groups since 1948 (hundreds of millions were refugees as a result of WWII alone), including the 900,000 Jewish refugees from Arab lands (and their descendants), only Palestinian Arabs and their descendants are funded, generation after generation, in UNRWA funded and administered towns in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and the PA.

Exploited and discriminated against by their host Arab countries, they have been denied the opportunity to lead normal lives, and resettle for one simple reason - so they can be used as a tool against the State of Israel.

Further, as research by NGO Monitor has demonstrated, the aid which UNRWA (generously funded by the EU) provides such “refugees” not only perpetuates generation after generation of dependency, but “UNRWA schools and other facilities are often used to teach hatred and encourage incitement; [and] the evidence demonstrates that UNRWA staff allowed terror related activities in its camps.”

Anyone truly concerned about the suffering of Palestinians would be lobbying Arab governments to immediately grant citizenship and full civil rights to their Palestinian populations, and use some of their Petrodollars to begin building schools and permanent housing for these “refugees” – granting them the opportunity to become productive and creative citizens.

To fully understand the inversion of reality necessary to believe in UNRWA’s refugee swindle, you need to take note of the following passage, about unemployment figures in Gaza, from the Reuters/Guardian piece:

“These are disturbing trends,” said UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness, “and the refugees, who make up two-thirds of Gaza’s 1.5 million population, were the worst hit.” [emphasis mine]Get it? Even Palestinians living in a sovereign, independent Palestinian-controlled and governed country are considered “refugees”!

The lies just go on and on the anti-Semites who unfortunately infest this website have no trouble in perpetuating them.

June 14, 2011 17:20

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