The names and passport numbers as supplied by Stop the ISM (see are members of the ISM who have interfered with anti-terrorism activities of the Israel Defense Forces in the West Bank and Gaza. If you want to make a real effort for peace in the world, note these names and individuals. In the US or UK, if you recognize them as from your area or neighborhood, contact your local law enforcement, local police, FBI and Homeland Security and advise them that these people have functioned as human shields for Hamas in Judea and Samaria or in Gaza and should be regarded as national security risks at home. If they are foreign nationals from Germany or Sweden, notify your local FBI. Write your local newspapers and tell them about these people. These are not "peace activists", not "human rights" workers. These are people who want terrorist organizations to succeed in their efforts to destroy the democracies of Israel, the UK and the United States. Today they operate in the shadows, but let their families, their associates and local law enforcement know who they are and where they can be found. Alert the TSA if they attempt to fly. Contact the US Diplomatic Security Service in your US city to void their passports for assisting as human shields the terrorists in Hamas and Fatah. If they attend your college, alert the administration. The deaths of Osama Bin Laden and Vittorio Arrigoni show how evil will eventually be conquered by good people. Both Hamas and Fatah have expressed grief at the demise of Bin Laden and the ISM also has said nothing about the killing of the murderer of thousands of Americans and Israelis because they support the terrorists who supported and worshipped Bin Laden. Arrigoni will not be the only ISM idiot taken out by Hamas or Fatah. These people below function as a fifth column within our democracies to help the allies of Al Qaeda and Hamas. Together, we can all STOP THE ISM!!!
If you have information of value to US, British or Israeli law enforcement, feel free to email details at or you could be saving the life of dear one.