
The thoughts of "Uncle" Joe Millis

August 05, 2011 09:46

10 March 2011

Lately, however, and as Melchett Mike correctly points out, fewer and fewer middle class Israelis from the centre of the country serve in the military. That has become the preserve of the extremely nationalistic and religious (the settlers and their supporters) and those who don't know someone who knows someone who can sign a certificate to get their kid out of the army.

30 July 2011

For 63 years, the middle class has taken everything thrown at it, but social solidarity has broken down because they see some minority sectors - the settlers, the yeshivah students, the 12 powerful families who in effect govern Israel - getting all they want and more. Yet they have to carry the burden of high taxesand military service.

It appears it is always outsiders with no stake in this country who wish to stir up strife between the different sections of Israeli Society. All those who serve in the IDF with a very few exceptions be they Jew, Arab, religious, non-religious, middle class, working class or whatever do so because the IDf is a people's army and they serve to protect all of their fellow citizens. We look with pride on each of the serving soldiers/sailors/airman as if they were our own sons and daughters whatever their political affiliation and we weep at the loss of or injury to any of these precious souls as if they were our own, the cynicism and disonnance of "Uncle Joe" notwithstanding.

August 05, 2011 09:46

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