
The Other Side

August 12, 2010 14:35

Like many people I can't help but notice how in the media these days Israeli "settlers" tend to be portrayed as troublemakers, bigots and the principle "obstacle to peace" (is anyone else sick and tired of hearing that phrase?) and was thinking only a month or so ago how refreshing it would be to see the human side of the settler story. To the BBC's credit they did touch on the subject a while ago with their article on the "hilltop youth" and this gave a slightly different, or at least human perspective.

And so, I was delighted yesterday to discover "The Other Side", a series of online video interviews with Jews living in [Judea & Samaria|West Bank|Cisjordan] (delete as appropriate!) and thought I'd share my finding with the JC community.

The website features four videos at present, and each of them is well worth watching, even if you disagree with their political views (I especially encourage people like ibrows, Ben Abuyah, etc to watch them!). Their stories are poignant and touching.

Linky here

All the best,

August 12, 2010 14:35

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