In its ongoing campaign to delegitimise and destroy the Jewish state, the Guardian/Observer newspaper today published the following article by Neve Gordon:
BDS campaign wants Israel to abide by international law
Note that the article is not at Comment is free but is in the newspaper proper.
As part of a co-ordinated attack, the Guardian/Observer carries a further article today about the boycott campaign. This piece serves to provide support for Neve Gordon:
Israeli academics hit back over bid to pass law that would criminalise them
"An academic backlash has erupted in Israel over proposed new laws, backed by the government of Binyamin Netanyahu, to criminalise a handful of Israeli professors who openly support a campaign against the continuing occupation of the West Bank.
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel has gained rapid international support since Israeli troops stormed a Gaza-bound flotilla of aid ships in May, killing nine activists. Israeli attention has focused on the small number of activists, particularly in the country's universities, who have openly supported an academic boycott of Israeli institutions."
Update: Jonathan Hoffman below draws our attention to an excellent article by Isi Leibler on this subject. Isi Liebler, inter alia, chairs the Diaspora-Israel relations committee of the JCPA and is a former chairman of the governing board of the World Jewish Congress. He is described in the new edition of Encyclopaedia Judaica as "unquestionably the dominant Jewish lay leader in Australia during the previous quarter century".
Stalinism at Ben-Gurion University
by Isi Leibler -- July 10th, 2010