
The Delusional Self-Haters; Why Do They Persist Blogging The "Jewish Chronicle"

October 14, 2010 22:43

The short answer is that they are unable to have their 2-digit IQ rantings published anywhere else, and this web-site has an open policy.
A more detailed explanation follows:-
The concept of the delusional disorder has both a very short history, formally, but a very long history when one integrates reports and observations over the last 150 years. The term of delusional disorder was only coined in 1977. This term has been used to describe an illness with persistent delusions,separate though from delusions that occur in other medical and psychiatric.
However, the concept of paranoia has been used for centuries. Originally, the word paranoia comes from Greek para, meaning along side, and noos or nous, meaning mind, intelligence. The Greeks used this term to describe any mental abnormalities similar to how we use the word insanity.

In the modern world, the term reappeared in the 17th century, and it was largely used as a generic name for mental illness. In 1863, Karl Kahlbaum introduced the concept of paranoia as a separate mental illness: "a form of partial insanity which, throughout the course of the disease, principally affected the sphere of the intellect".

This is the point folks!!:-
Delusional disorder is an illness characterized by the presence of nonbizarre delusions in the absence of other mood or psychotic symptoms, according to the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders. It defines delusions as false beliefs based on incorrect inference about external reality that persist despite the evidence to the contrary and these beliefs are not ordinarily accepted by other members of the person's culture or subculture.

I will go on:-
Nonbizarre refers to the fact that this type of delusion is about situations that could occur in real life, such as being followed, being loved, having an infection, and being deceived by one's spouse.

Delusional disorder is on a spectrum between more severe psychosis and overvalued ideas. Bizarre delusions represent the manifestations of more severe types of psychotic illnesses (eg, schizophrenia) and "are clearly implausible, not understandable, and not derived from ordinary life experiences".

On the other end of the spectrum, making a distinction between a delusion and an overvalued idea is important, the latter representing an unreasonable belief that is not firmly held. Additionally, personal beliefs should be evaluated with great respect to complexity of cultural and religious differences: some cultures have widely accepted beliefs that may be considered delusional in other cultures.

Unfortunately, patients with delusional disorder do not have good insight into their pathological experiences. Interestingly, despite significant delusions, many other psychosocial abilities remain intact, as if the delusions are circumscribed. Indeed, this is one of the key differences between delusional disorder and other primary psychotic disorders. However, the individual may rarely seek psychiatric help, remain isolated, and often present to internists, surgeons, dermatologists, policemen, and lawyers rather than psychiatrists. Despite this, their prognosis, while not good, is not as bad as other more severe disorders.

Background and History
The seminal work with regard to what would become the frame for delusional disorder came from Emil Kraepelin. He observed 19 cases and worked on defining the concept of paranoia, which is reflected in several editions of his famous textbook and most closely resembles the modern definition of delusional disorder. Kraepelin viewed paranoia as an uncommon, chronic condition different from dementia praecox by the presence of fixed, nonbizarre delusions, lacking deterioration over time, preserved thought process, and relatively slight involvement of affect and volition. Kraepelin described that delusions of paranoia, contrary to the delusions of dementia praecox, are well systemised, relatively consistent, and often related to real-life events. He identified persecutory, grandiose, jealous, erotomanic, and possibly hypochondriacal types of that disorder. He believed that the illness derived from the deficit in the patients' judgments caused by constitutional factors and environmental stress. Later, Eugene Bleuler continued to recognize paranoia as a separate disorder and included hallucinations in its description.

After Kraepelin's death, Kurt Kolle (1931) reported a detailed follow-up of 66 cases seen in Kraepelin's former clinic in Munich.3 He noted a pattern of deterioration involving paranoia and concluded these were a form of schizophrenia. This view continued to be popular in the psychiatric community for several decades and was reflected in DSM-I and DSM-II. Winokur (1977) had reframed paranoia under the name of delusional disorder basing his findings on Kraepelin's definition and the observation of case types.3 Additionally, Kendler (1980) and Munro (1982) substantially contributed to our current understanding of nosology of this illness.3,5 In 1987, delusional disorder was introduced in DSM-III-R and continued to be present in subsequent editions.

So,if you have read this far you will have learnt that there is established and recognised medical conditions for the self-haters and anti-semites, some of you will sympathise with them, I for one, have no sympathy for them.

October 14, 2010 22:43

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