
"Taking The Jack"

February 07, 2010 22:43

" .... the JC has spoken to several government sources who have said Mr Straw was “playing dirty” to delay an announcement."

For those who have been asleep for the last four months, this refers to the legal change needed to stop Israelis being vexaciously arrested when they come to England.

You've heard of "Taking the Mick", well this is "Taking the Jack" .... of course getting the meaningless "Alternative Vote" through Parliament is much more important, they've only had 13 years to warm to the idea of PR.

Angry? Then sign this petition to Gordon Brown and send it to your family and friends. 600 have already signed. All UK residents can sign provided you have your own email address. UK citizens abroad can also sign.

And when it comes to the election in less than 100 days, remember which party has sat on its hands over the vexacious arrest law - LABOUR

February 07, 2010 22:43

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