
T minus six

July 04, 2011 19:21

After tackling the concept of exercise yesterday and achieving the correct frame of mind in which to pursue it, I have decided that today's topic will focus on optimal nutrition for enhanced performance.

There are myriad websites and blogs that are aimed at diet for fitness and most of them contain the same advice, namely the following:

A diet rich in fibre. A diet containing plenty of fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. A diet low in sodium.

I believe I have now found the perfect dietary food supplement which I will share with you: CHOCOLATE!

Chocolate by its nature is low in salt, is made from vegetables (cocoa BEANS) and may contain as many as 5 portions of fruit, nuts and seeds...... if you eat your own body weight in fruit & nut.

The benefits of theobromine found in chocolate are widely documented for example in the Sports Medicine, Training and Rehabilitation Volume 4, Issue 3, 1993 which states that 'theobromine increases exercise performance by reducing glycogen use and enhancing free fatty acid availability to the working muscle.'

Many diet for fitness and health articles are also keen on reducing cholesterol. An ideal way to achieve this is to forgo the yolk of the egg and only ingest the white. I find the most convenient way of using egg white is to turn it into a meringue or pavlova thus providing a delicious low fat snack. It is extremely beneficial when loaded with fruit. This will help you to up your 5-a-day quota, and as you have been so good at reducing the fat content by dumping the yolk, feel free to add some extra thick double cream to fortify your bones with some much needed calcium.

Check back tomorrow for some more helpful tips and tricks.

July 04, 2011 19:21

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