Ben-Dror Yemini, of Maariv, is a writer I like. He defies the usual left-right split between the columnists of Israel's main dailies. He writes a lot of sense even when I might disagree with him. Here's his take on the boycott law, applauded by the zealots and criticised by those who really have Israel's best interests as a Jewish and democratic state at heart.
אבל זה לא אומר שאין חקיקה מטופשת. כזו, למשל, היא הצעת החוק לנקיטת סנקציות נגד מי שקורא לחרם על מוצרי ההתנחלויות. אפשר וצריך להתנגד לקריאות הללו. אבל נדמה שסתימת פיות פוליטית היא האיוולת בהתגלמותה. הקוראים לחרם יהפכו למרטירים, וישראל תהפוך למדינה מטורפת.This doesn't mean that there isn't stupid legislation. An example of this is the proposal to take sanctions against those who call for a boycott of settlement produce. It is possible and necessary to reject such calls. It seems that shutting people up politically is stupidity personified. Those calling for a boycott will be turned into martyrs and Israel will become a crazy state.