Skovronek2 obviously doesn't read earlier posts before putting up the same evil rubbish his co-Israel hater/basher Walinets posts. In this case the appalling and disturbing screed by David Hearst in the Guardian where with his perfidious English genteelness he basically calls for the dismantling of the State of Israel. I have aleady posted a fisking of David Hearst now the Cif Watch website []carries a further reflection on this.
In Joel Kovel’s book, Overcoming Zionism, Zionists are characterized as an evil force in the world, those who he terms “the splinters under the skin of humanity”, and the pro-Israel groups as “the tentacular Zionist lobby.”
Though our two responses on Friday (our cross-post from Anne’s Opinions and a guest post by Sarka) quite effectively took apart David Hearst’s CiF piece on Friday, “Could Arab staying power overcome Zionism”, (and you should also read Just Journalism’s response {} I wanted to add a few thoughts on just how malicious the piece really is.
The headline alone is extraordinary:
"Could Arab staying power ultimately defeat Zionism?"
This isn’t an eye-catching teaser. The headline adequately captures Hearst’s sympathetic characterization of the struggle by not just Palestinians, but Israel’s Arab citizens, against not just perceived injustices, but against the existence of the Jewish state in any form.
Hearst seems quite impressed with a term his bucolic Arabs have been tossing around of late – Sumud, which, we’re informed, means steadfastness (& staying power), against Zionism.
That is, Hearst’s Arabs (quite reasonably it seems to him) see Jewish self-determination, (unlike every other group’s unreserved national rights) as not a national enterprise which needs to be improved upon but as a movement to be defeated, overcome, vanquished.
Hearst’s subsequent litany of Israeli injustices doesn’t concern itself with distinguishing between Arab citizens and Palestinian non-citizens or between squatters legally evicted from land rightfully owned by others.
They are all equally Zionism’s victims, those involved in a “civil rights movement” no longer content with the evidently quaint idea of an independent Palestinian state living peacefully with Israel, but, for a complete end of Zionism – what Sam Bahour described, in an Aug. 4th CiF piece, that “settler, colonial, apartheid, racialist, exclusivist ideology”.
Hearst quotes Ilan Pappe, the notorious and highly discredited Israeli “historian” – among those who never retracted false allegations of a massacre by Israeli troops in Jenin in 2o02 – as a reliable source in confirming Israel’s inherently “expulsionist” nature, and, further, in denying Israel’s regionally unique, and simply undeniable, participatory democracy (which protects the civil rights of its religious minorities), states that, “Non-Jews, be they Christian or Muslim, are excluded from any serious decision-making process in their lives.”
As Just Journalism points out despite claiming that anti-Arab discrimination is ‘extensively documented’, one of Hearst’s few statistics is severely misleading, given that it ignores the role of patriarchal Arab culture:
‘Only 19% of Arab women with Israeli citizenship are in a job, compared with 65% of Jewish women’.
This statement does not take into account the fact that Arab countries have the lowest female economic participation worldwide, as reported in a UN report released last month, the results of which were highlighted by Just Journalism and publicized on The Guardian’s data blog.
Skovronek2/Walinets are all of the same mold disingenuous Israel haters whose tolerance by the JC as bloggers on this website beggars belief.