
rename the zionist federation "love-israel" (say dovy and shaloma the peace-bears!)

August 15, 2010 09:30

from my little bowl, i notice that pro-israel pr is terrible

the pro-israeli community needs to "get with it"

events like the "flotilla" are not a problem, they are an opportunity

when tv news shows banners in trafalgar square saying "freedom for palestine", why are there no banners saying "freedom for israel"? (the four freedoms, of course, are freedom from rockets, freedom from suicide bombs, freedom from conscription, and freedom from international double standards)

unfortunately, in the public relations war, it is we who "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity"

"a bad name"

in marketing and pr, there are good words and bad words

"zionism", in that context, is a bad word

jews who continue to use it are living in the past

it used to mean support for the creation of a jewish homeland, but since 1948 that has been obsolete

it now is defined by its opposite … there are so many people who want to destroy israel that zionism continues to exist only to oppose them … zionism is the opposite of anti-zionism, and it is the anti-zionists who make all the running

for several decades, "zionism" has been used all over world as term of disparagement … for many, it is an insult even worse than "jews"

and … worst of all … it means whatever the speaker (or the listener) wants it to mean … we have lost control of the meaning of the word!

photos of demonstrations with banners marked "zionist federation" are bad pr for israel

let's face it, in the twenty-first century the name is an embarrassment

"getting with it"

modern times require modern names

solicitors used to be called "attorneys", but there came a time when attorneys had such a bad reputation that they decided on a fresh start, and re-named themselves "solicitors"

british petroleum became "bp", international business machines became "ibm" (and ibm's competitor simply called itself "apple", right from the start)

the national council for civil liberties became "liberty", and the marriage guidance council became "relate"

it is time for zionism to "get with it", and do the same

let's replace the zionist federation by "love-israel" (or "")

, with its mascots dovy and shaloma the peace-bears!

(and maybe also emmy and essy the truth-bears, and perhaps even kev קו and hayley חלי the hoffbears!


it'll need a flag (the israeli flag, i suppose, but with the magen dovid replaced by something, perhaps overlapping hearts?)

and it'll need some marketing people who can design posters as good as the anti-israel posters

nationwide launch

to stop anyone else using the name, i hereby declare that already exists!

sign up here!

i see the first national love-in assembling … let's say … hmm

on sunday 3rd october, somewhere like the logan hall, to elect national officers and to draw up a constitution

(i won't be there, of course … i'm stuck in this little bowl!


i see everyone setting up local love-ins in their own neighbourhoods!

i see anti-zionists fretting that there's no longer any zionists to object to!

i see a future in which goldfish and teddy-bears will rule the world!

(ooh, is that overdoing it slightly?


i see a lot from my little bowl!

August 15, 2010 09:30

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