

Protect me from my friends

November 13, 2010 08:49

It seems that Fatah and Hamas are not going to make peace anytime soon. Then, how can anyone believe Fatah is able to make peace with its supposed arch-enemy, Israel?

Fatah, under Abbas as under Arafat, made everything to defeat the peace process. Oslo accords have never been respected, Fatah refusing to force the Hamas militias to stop violence and terrorism. In order to see this terrorism continue, 'Palestinian' people elected Hamas militants to 'Palestinian' government. Then the militias got more powerful than Fatah and kicked the latter's members out of the Gaza Strip, in 2007.

Why should Israel negociate with a party who has lost every opportunity to make peace when it could, who is no longer able to enforce a peace deal anymore and who does not even represent its own people since 2006?
What has Israel to win in a yet another deal with Fatah that would not even be worth the ink with which it would be written?

November 13, 2010 08:49

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