
Otiose is as otiose does

November 24, 2016 23:01

The feckless blogger who goes under the name of JonOtway continues his blood libels against the State of Israel which it appears the JC feels comfortable in allowing to be posted.
This time he quotes the biased BBC itself quoting Syrian State television as if it was a reliable and independent news source.
This remember is the same media source which has so far not reported on the daily massacres perpetrated by the Assad`regime against its own people accordingly any claims which it makes should be taken with a pinch of salt. However this is Israel so the BBC and Otway are anxious to get the lie out as quickly as possible and when the truth is known as is the BBC's usual policy, it feigns indifference and lets the lie stand - the lie of there having been a massacre in Jenin in 2002 is a case in point.
Israel has indicated that there was no shoot to kill order given and the protesters after being due warnings were shot at below the knee while attempting to illegally breach the security fence. No dead protester has been seen by any independent journalist and the other stories about Israel shooting up ambulances and firing white phosphorous at the protesters also claimed by Syrian TV but curiously not reported by the BBC since of course that would tend to bring into question the casualty figures is as much bunkum as the main claim - but Otway as usual does not let facts get in the way of a good libel.

November 24, 2016 23:01

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