
Obama and the KKK

November 24, 2016 22:49

In five weeks Americans will be punching their chads for a leader. Hopefully not too much will go wrong with the process, despite GOP
involvement in electronic voting machines, and a winner will emerge
unchallenged. If it is McCain, then at least we know what to expect.
I doubt it will be Cynthia McKinney, or some other fringe candidate,
but I would like to see the two party system broken just once. Let
them form a coalition government like so many other countries.
Hope and change are what we may have though, in other words, four years
of hoping it changes...I am against Obama for many reason, not the least
of which is that he is inexperienced and has no clear agenda.
But there are many others against him for less ideological reasons.
The man is about 40% Arab - which he conveniently forgets when he
visits Israel - and visibly black. Having a cousin by marriage who is a
rabbi, a black rabbi to be specific, does not help his image over with
the wizards of the KKK, even if, as Jon Ronson noted, they look like
Woody Allen and kiss black babies. This is one black, or Arab-American
baby, they won't want to kiss. Already a harbinger of such far right sentiment reared its ugly head when four white guys with wigs(not the title of a B movie) showed up claiming they were there to assassinate him - and they had guns too. But the wigs were the more unusual items for four white guys to have in Denver, so I noted those first. Over here the guns would be the unusual items. It's not just spelling that differentiates the Yanks from the Brits...
But wait till he gets in, it will not just be dumb and dumber and their two congeners with wigs, it will be thousands of these idiots all vying to have a potshot at the black man in the White House.
It may not help his cause with them if he appears too pro-Israel either.
So if he gets in, expect a return to the grassy knoll - he may do well to keep Texas in the rear view mirror. According to the Geronimo prophecy, every fourth or fifth US president was supposed to die in office. W was in line for this, and he seems to have escaped the dire prediction, but who knows. We may just have Cheney in to finish the job.
And then what? The future is written in the chads. And perhaps those the most affected by the chad count will be those lads in dark sunglasses who work for the US Secret Service; they will have to try to keep Geronimo's prediction from coming true on their watch. Barack Hussein Obama, should he move to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, better be prepared to pay lots of overtime.

November 24, 2016 22:49

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