

January 23, 2012 19:12

“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived and dishonest — but the myth —persistent, persuasive and repeated.”
— President John F. Kennedy

The JC Website continues to be a breeding ground and incubator for the persistently repeated myths that Israel is ethnically cleansing Judea and Samaria of its Arab population - the figures prove the opposite, that Israel is stealing land from the Palestinians - there is no such policy and that Israel is stealing water from the Palestinians - the opposite is the truth.

These myths have been debunked time and again but those who wish Israel ill, who become a righteously indignant as a Jew at the drop of a hat and who wish to paint her and her people as evil oppressors find themselves with an unfettered platform to propagate their malevolence and in their eyes Israel can do no right.

As Mitchel G Bard says []

Zionist Jews can handle criticism of Israeli policy, just as they are open to hearing criticism of American policy. Demonization, double standards, and delegitimization are a different story. Those who label Israel as a Nazi state, an apartheid state, or a colonial state are clearly trying to use these hurtful analogies to demonize Israel. These are not criticisms that are aimed at improving the lives of Israelis or Palestinians, but are rather attempts to convince people to ostracize, punish, and impugn the Jewish state.

They will not succeed.

January 23, 2012 19:12

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